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Meet Looi. A mischievous companion in the form of a desk robot. It brings your phone to life and has some hilarious functions.
Core and fill a banana with chocolate while still in its peel.
This will be the last bathbomb you ever use
The charger that can give you a full giggles!
You know what a giant wineglass means.. less refills!
This phone case can stick pretty much anywhere!
Track your dog with your Apple Air tag.
Keep those earbuds clean as a whistle with these AirSquares!
Take gaming on your phone to the next level!
The world's FIRST Handheld dishwasher can save you time
Fix that broken and frayed charger with this!
The Eufy X8 can vacuum while you relax!
This spinning colander can dry your food in seconds
A mini battery powered projector for on the go!
The Brümate TODDY XL is the travel mug of your dreams!
Being able to vacuum and mop simultaneously is a gamechanger!
The perfect box cutter for any amazon addict!